
Expanding access to quality treatment for eating disorders

Leading digital platform for eating disorder care.


Kristina Headshot

Kristina Saffran

CEO, Co-Founder

Erin headshot

Erin Parks

COO & Chief Clinical Officer, Co-Founder

Most people with eating disorders never get care. Equip is expanding access to clinically efficacious treatment with virtually delivered care, rewriting the conversation around eating disorders and people’s relationship with food.

Equip was founded in 2019 by Kristina Saffran and Erin Parks, Ph.D., leaders with tremendous clinical and academic credibility in the field of eating disorder treatment. Kristina recovered from anorexia as a teenager and founded the nonprofit Project Heal at the age of 15, and Erin is a preeminent clinical psychologist and researcher from the UCSD Eating Disorders Center.

Demand for eating disorder treatment far outstretches the existing system’s capacity to address it. Equip’s digitally enabled virtual care unlocks access to quality treatment at scale with a 100% virtual program that promotes long-term recovery through seamlessly integrating a patient’s care team and family support system. Family-Based Treatment (FBT) is the gold-standard of care for eating disorders, and Kristina and Erin have pioneered bringing this treatment online in a format built for scale.

After meeting Kristina and Erin, we were compelled by their vision to expand access to treatment for eating disorders at scale and by the life-changing impact Equip’s program had on its current and former members. We view Equip as a compelling application of virtual care in a market with minimal digital competition today and growing demand. We are excited to back Kristina, Erin, and the Equip team as they continue to help eating disorder patients achieve lasting recovery.

The information noted above is representative as of the time noted/February 2022 and has not been updated.