Founded in 2014, HyperScience was created to help enterprises automate the process of extracting essential information from non-machine- readable documents. HyperScience uses its proprietary machine learning technology to read structured and semi-structured documents with great precision, eliminating the need for manual data input or optical character recognition technology that is often inflexible and error- prone. HyperScience’s market-leading technology is already deployed by some of the largest global enterprises in financial services, insurance, healthcare, and government to dramatically reduce costs and increase document processing speed while improving transcription accuracy. Stripes first met the company in 2017 before HyperScience had begun commercializing its technology platform. Over the next two years, we continued to be impressed with the company’s incredible technology, product innovation culture, and rapid commercial success. When Hyperscience decided to raise growth capital, they chose to work with Stripes due to our team’s experience scaling enterprise software businesses, our executive recruiting capabilities, and the strong relationship built between Stripes and his team over the preceding two years. We are excited to partner with HyperScience as they continue to bring increased automation and efficiency to the enterprise.
The information noted above is representative as of the time noted/September 2019 and has not been updated.